Riot Forge 3D Model Brief

Riot Forge 3D Model Brief


Hi Blanca, A few years ago I developed an adaptive identity for a new Riot Games’ video game publisher called Riot Forge. Riot Forge is unfortunately no longer operational, but it used to help indie game publishers create games based on the Riot Games League of Legends world. The final logo I developed was a ‘spark’ that adapted to each game. This week I’m working on updating my portfolio and am updating the case study for Riot Forge. I want to create something visually impactful for visualizing the identity and think using a Steam Deck could be nice to display the logo on the start up screen.

An example of how the logo adapts to game artwork.
An example of how the logo adapts to game artwork.

I want to create a short video using this Steam Deck model you created displaying an animation of all the Riot Forge logos — mimicking the Riot Forge game start up screen.

  1. The Steam Deck rotates from left to right like the example below.
  2. Insert the logo animation

The logos loop in a sequence and land on the base white logo on a black background when the Steam is facing forward.

Might not need this:

This is the logo animation: Embed DropboxEmbed Dropbox
